

My original dream was birthed June of 2019, at about 5 a.m.. I was still employed full time, as an IT Consultant to a global energy giant, so I ignored the content and timing of the dream as maybe just my wild and impractical imagination...

Fast forward June of 2023, semi-retired now and the recurring dialogue, from a still soft voice in my heart, my inner dialog went something like this:

"Historically, while dedication to the PRO-BABY cause was admirable, noble and just, the picket signs with photos of terminated babies, in our protesting effort sometimes even blocking the entry of “family planning termination clinics" had a nominal effect. In fact I dare say it may have generated more enemies than allies in this PRO-BABY battle of 60 years.

So in the spirit of “you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” I believe we can still have a significant impact on educating America’s minds and hearts regarding unplanned pregnancy humane alternatives. The PRO-BABY promotion effort is certainly a worthy cause. Maybe we can inspire them to revisit the value of God given life? We could create a PRO-BABY resource website platform. A good name and acronym for our website platform would be:

 "SELAH", as in S_upports E_xcellent L_oving A_doptive H_omes. 

The Hebrew meaning of "SELAH" has multiple definitions but the one that reflects our scope is "pause and reflect or listen" and how can 65 million discarded babies not give us "pause to reflect or listen" .....listen for the missing sounds of those that have been silenced."

So our vision is NOT to "reinvent the wheel" of Adaptation (parenting via guidance of Crisis Pregnancy Center) or Adoption organizations that are already providing excellent services for their clients but rather our intention is to function as "additional arms of support" to those on the front lines (as per Exodus 17:12-13).

We believe that by empowering unplanned pregnancy parents with knowledge via various website links of support, they can navigate the complexities and emotional trauma of an unplanned pregnancy and make a decision that aligns with their own values, dreams, and aspirations. We invite you to join us on this mission and support individuals and families in their journey toward a brighter future.


We are America's PRO_BABY Informational and Fundraising website platform, based in Largo, Florida, with two objectives:

1. Raise awareness, by way of our website, that “Adaptation (parenting via guidance of a Crisis Pregnancy Center) or Adoption are the most humane options”. Then providing the website links of the 3rd party organizations that provide these services in all 50 states.

2. Announce, promote and manage the logistics of ongoing annual PRO-BABY Fundraising events using our website platform.

So if you are looking for resource website links for unplanned pregnancy support, click the HOME page and scroll to the very bottom of that page. 

Or if you want to help someone in need, in a tangible and practical manner, please go to the SEEKING-SPONSORS page.

SELAH is politically non-partisan and a non-denominational Judeo-Christian alliance.

Dragan Jovanovic

Managing Director / SELAH Founder


Our sincere thanks in advance for your support or interest in the SELAH organization

If you have further questions or require additional reference on the topic of unplanned pregnancy options,
You are an INDIVIDUAL, CORPORATE or CHURCH PARTNER sponsor and you have questions or comments regarding our logistical planning for any of the upcoming fundraising events described on our website,
If your need is one we may not have listed above, please populate all contact info boxes including the “leave us a message" area, then SEND the message. One of our staff will reply as soon as possible. 

At SELAH, protecting our unplanned pregnancy client or fundraising donor personal information is job one. We take our data security to extreme measures and will leverage all technology and best practice options available.

Dragan Jovanovic