Can our SELAH founder "grandpa Jovanovic" accomplish this insurmountable feat? At 65 years old, horizontally challenged at 302 lbs. of very crispy bacon, this Serbian / Americanized patriotic citizen is giving it "all or nothing".... the good Lord willing.


Our sincere thanks in advance for your support or interest in the SELAH organization

If you have further questions or require additional reference on the topic of unplanned pregnancy options,
You are an INDIVIDUAL, CORPORATE or CHURCH PARTNER sponsor and you have questions or comments regarding our logistical planning for any of the upcoming fundraising events described on our website,
If your need is one we may not have listed above, please populate all contact info boxes including the “leave us a message" area, then SEND the message. One of our staff will reply as soon as possible. 

At SELAH, protecting our unplanned pregnancy client or fundraising donor personal information is job one. We take our data security to extreme measures and will leverage all technology and best practice options available.

Dragan Jovanovic